Llavero bombilla
Existen objetos que, posiblemente no han sido nombrados intencionadamente con un determinado nombre, pero que para los fans de ELO/JEFF tienen un sentido especial.
En un centro comercial, un amigo fan de ELO ha encontrado una pequeña bombilla LED denominada «OUT OF THE BLUE» en forma de llavero que bien podría servir como merchandising de ELO. Curioso sin duda.

There are objects that, possibly have not been intentionally named with a certain name, but that for ELO/JEFF fans have a special meaning.
In a shopping center, an ELO fan friend has found a small LED bulb called "OUT OF THE BLUE" in the shape of a keychain that could well serve as ELO merchandising. Curious without a doubt.
???… Curioso…