Do It With The Light On
Hace un año aproximadamente, desde ELO ESPAÑA ya nos hicimos eco de un objeto o merchandising original ELO similar a este, que ya no existe como tal. Eso sí, no era exactamente igual. Era rectangular y se puede ver siguiendo este ENLACE.
Éste es circular y a juzgar por el logo que muestra es de la primera época de la banda. Acompaña a esta imagen la caja que lo contiene en la que reza una frase en su tapa que dice: «Do It With The Light On» junto al mismo logo. Lástima que ha día de hoy haya tan poco merchandising disponible para quienes disfrutamos de estos objetos. Supongo que DON ARDEN tuvo algo que ver para que, en aquel tiempo hubiese tanto material que hoy añoramos.

Approximately a year ago, from ELO ESPAÑA we already echoed an original ELO object or merchandising similar to this, which no longer exists as such. Of course, it was not exactly the same. It was rectangular and can be seen by following this LINK.
This one is circular and judging by the logo it shows, it is from the band's early days. This image is accompanied by the box that contains it in which a phrase on its cover reads: "Do It With The Light On" next to the same logo. It's a pity that today there is so little merchandising available for those of us who enjoy these objects. I suppose that DON ARDEN had something to do so that, at that time, there was so much material that we miss today.
merchadising de la epoca del On The Third day..
Una CHULADA, sin ninguna duda…