Reloj ELO falso
Pretenden hacer pasar por merchandising original de ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA un objeto que, evidentemente es falso, aunque pueda resultar a alguien interesante y quiera pagar por él 300 euros, que es lo que aproximadamente ha valorado aquel que lo ha puesto a la venta a través de eBay.
Este reloj se vende en muchos establecimientos de bajo precio, al que han añadido un pin de ELO para hacerlo pasar por original.

They intend to pass off as original ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA merchandising an object that is obviously fake, although it may be interesting to someone who wants to pay 300 euros for it, which is approximately what the person who put it up for sale through eBay.
This watch is sold in many low-price stores, to which they have added an ELO pin to make it pass as original.
Vaya tela!!!…