JEFF LYNNE honrado con el prestigioso premio ASCAP Founders Award 2019
La 36ª edición anual de los Premios de Música Pop ASCAP 2019 se perfila como un evento imperdible en el calendario de la industria de la música. La lista de talentos creadores de éxitos que serán alabados en la celebración solo por invitación en Beverly Hills el 16 de mayo incluye al cantautor icónico y autor intelectual de ELO, JEFF LYNNE, quien recibirá la ASCAP Founders Award 2019.
Paul Williams, presidente de ASCAP: «Jeff Lynne ha liderado una carrera singular y todos tenemos la suerte de que su genio musical se haya sentido tan ampliamente. Su legendaria estatura es bien merecida y ASCAP se enorgullece en presentarle nuestro más alto honor».

El Premio ASCAP Founders se otorga a los compositores y compositores que han hecho contribuciones pioneras a la música al inspirar e influenciar a sus compañeros creadores de música.
The 36th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards in 2019 is shaping up to be an unmissable event in the music industry calendar. The list of hit-making talents to be honored at the invitation-only celebration in Beverly Hills on May 16 includes iconic singer-songwriter and mastermind behind ELO, JEFF LYNNE, who will receive the ASCAP Founders Award 2019.
Paul Williams, ASCAP President: "Jeff Lynne has led a singular career, and we are all fortunate that his musical genius has been felt so widely. His legendary stature is well-deserved, and ASCAP is proud to present him with our highest honor."
The ASCAP Founders Award is given to composers and songwriters who have made pioneering contributions to music by inspiring and influencing their fellow music creators.
Lleva alguien la cuenta de las «coronas de laurel» cosechadas en los últimos 6 años por el Jeffe…?
Mejor tarde que nunca !!
He aquí la noticia original:
LOS ANGELES, April 11, 2019 — The 36th annual 2019 ASCAP Pop Music Awards is shaping up to be a can’t-miss event on the music industry calendar. The slate of hitmaking talents that will be lauded at the invitation-only celebration in Beverly Hills on May 16 includes iconic songwriter and ELO mastermind Jeff Lynne, who will receive the ASCAP Founders Award, and punk/pop pioneers Debbie Harry, Chris Stein and Clem Burke of Blondie, who will accept the ASCAP Golden Note Award. Additionally, pop/alternative phenomenon Billie Eilish and her collaborator/producer (and brother) FINNEAS will take home the ASCAP Vanguard Award.Jeff Lynne – ASCAP Founders Award honoree
Jeff Lynne is a Grammy award winner, prolific songwriter, record producer and co-founder of ELO. Whether as part of ELO, co-founder of the Traveling Wilburys, or writing and producing for such artists as Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Roy Orbison, Brian Wilson or Tom Petty, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member has written some of the 20th century’s most beloved pop hits. Songs like “Mr. Blue Sky,” “Don’t Bring Me Down” and “Learning to Fly” — the list goes on — have won Lynne a cherished place in the hearts of pop fans around the world. Between 1972 and 1986, Lynne wrote and produced twenty Top 40 hits and fifteen Top 20 smashes in the U.S. ELO has sold over 50 million records worldwide.
The ASCAP Founders Award is presented to songwriters and composers who have made pioneering contributions to music by inspiring and influencing their fellow music creators. Each is a musical innovator with a unique style of creative genius that will enrich generations to come. Previous recipients include Sir Paul McCartney, Desmond Child, Stevie Wonder, Tom Petty, Patti Smith, James Taylor, Billy Joel and Carly Simon.