Dave Morgan & RBC Orchestra
El ex-ELO Dave Morgan presentará el día 9 de noviembre de 2019 en el Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, la obra de él mismo y RICHARD TANDY «EARTHRISE», a la cual le acompañará la RBC Orchestra.
RICHARD TANDY asistirá a este evento como invitado, en su primer evento público desde hace un tiempo.
Al finalizar el evento, tanto DAVE como RICHARD firmarán CD’s de EARTHRISE a los asistentes.

On November 9, 2019, former ELO member Dave Morgan will present the work "EARTHRISE," co-authored by himself and Richard Tandy, at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. The RBC Orchestra will accompany the performance.
Richard Tandy will attend this event as a guest, marking his first public appearance in some time.
After the event, both Dave and Richard will sign EARTHRISE CDs for the attendees.